
Fixit Clinic conveys basic disassembly, troubleshooting, and repair skills using peoples' own broken things as the vehicle. By sharing these skills while transferring them to others we teach critical thinking through the lens of our relationship to consumption and sustainability. We strive to demystify science and technology so that we can ultimately make better policy choices as a society.

“Education, entertainment, empowerment, elucidation, and, ultimately, enlightenment through guided disassembly of your broken stuff.”

Fixit Clinic founder Peter Mui presented at the 4th European Repair Café Conference on the state of repair in the U.S. and on repair data.
Repair Café post summarizing conference:
Recording of the presentation queued up on Youtube:
2024-02 Here’s a summary of Fixit Clinic’s February 2024 press: it's been a busy month!
KPIX (CBS Bay Area Affiliate: longer version of above):
KQED’s Bay Curious podcast interview with Azul Dahlstrom-Eckman about Fixit Clinic and California’s new Right to Repair law:

2024-02-17 KPIX's feature on Fixit Clinic on the CBS Evening News:

Coverage by KPIX (CBS San Francisco/Bay Area affiliate) of 2024-01-20 Fixit Clinic at the Redwood City Library:

San Mateo County Office of Sustainability video on Fixit Clinic: https://youtu.be/qJtNrsgtAs0

Documentary Video by Witt Monts and Zelda Bronstein (2010) 

Fixit Clinic is a "pop-up" activity where people bring their broken things to disassemble: many participants have never attempted opening up something before, often special tools are necessary to get inside. We provide Fixit Coaches to help guide participants through their disassembly process, and have the special tools on hand.

Our experience is that fixing many broken items is possible, even easy. But even if the item isn't fixed, there's a valuable educational aspect to understanding why it stopped working.

- To see photos from previous Fixit Clinics go to our Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/FixitClinic

- To see videos about Fixit Clinic Search on YouTube for Fixit Clinic: https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=fixit+clinic, the top result is a documentary about Fixit Clinic: http://youtu.be/rInHSdGkz3w, the other results are videos about the Fixit Clinic satellites in Minneapolis,MN and Boulder, CO.

Sign Up for the Fixit Clinic List
Use the link at the top of the left sidebar to sign up for our email list.

Press contact: email fixitclinic@gmail.com

Graphics: Fixit Clinic graphics should be viewable and downloadable here: https://drive.google.com/folderview?id=0B1NuRSQ-LsBfaDZkRmhTcWZ5LTA&usp=sharing

If you want to hold a Fixit Clinic in your area email us at fixitclinic@gmail.com

--------------------------- Fixit Clinic Press ----------------------------------

2024-02-16 Greenbiz:

2024-01-29 KALW coverage of Fixit Clinic: 

2024-01-25 KPIX (CBS affiliate SF Bay Area) coverage of Fixit Clinic:

2023-11-13 Fixit Clinic featured in the latest issue of craftsmanship.net:

2023-10-29: Green Century Management / USPIRG webinar on “Chromebook Churn” last week:
Queued up to the Fixit Clnic presentation (starts at 15:00):

June 2023 Fixit Clinic in Harvard Gazette:

2023-01-26 The ‘right to repair’ and the future of fixing our stuff on WAMU (USA-CA-Philadelphia)

Sept 28, 2022: Fixit Clinic Founder Peter Mui presented on Fixit Clinic's efforts towards circular, sustainable consumption at WIRED's RE:WIRED Green Climate Action Conference at SF Jazz: here's the recording of his presentation: https://www.wired.com/video/watch/re-wired-green-2022-peter-mui-on-the-right-to-repair-movement

Sep 2021: Fixit Clinic was featured on Voice of America News in September
2021 (2 minute video):

-The Pulse (podcast): The stories of the people and places at the heart of health and science from WHYY (PBS affiliate in Philadelphia PA USA): https://whyy.org/episodes/handmade-tales/
18:17 Segment start
30:54 Segment end

March 1, 2020 Fixit Clinic: Saving The World One Repaired Item At A Time

San Mateo County Office of Sustainability video on Fixit Clinic (embedded above): https://youtu.be/qJtNrsgtAs0

- PBS Newshour coverage of Fixit Clinic: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DarcSxamvE8

- WBGH coverage of MIT Fixit Clinic: https://youtu.be/YcVkjz7wdXo

- In Sierra Club Magazine: http://vault.sierraclub.org/sierra/201301/act-fixit-clinic-300.aspx

- On NPR Website: http://www.nextavenue.org/blog/how-fix-almost-everything-you-own

- Fixit Clinic at MIT: http://web.mit.edu/newsoffice/2012/education-empowerment-and-enlightenment-through-guided-disassembly-of-your-broken-stuff.html

- Fixit Clinic at UC Berkeley's Lawrence Hall of Science in Thursday March 22 2012 SF Chronicle: http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/c/a/2012/03/21/NSCF1NLTVD.DTL

- Photos of other MIT Fixit Clinics:

-Ella Baker Center interview:

- At the East Bay Mini Maker Faire:
http://oaklandnorth.net/2010/10/25/the-community-meets-the-makers-at-mini-faire/ (play the slide show)
Photos: http://picasaweb.google.com/petermui/FixitClinicAtEastBayMakerFaire20101024#

- In the Berkeley Daily Planet: http://www.berkeleydailyplanet.com/issue/2010-04-30/article/35177?headline=Reduce-Reuse-Recycle-and-Repair

- On Instructables: http://www.instructables.com/community/Fixit-Clinic/

- Photos of "Geek Out" Fixit Clinic at UC Berkeley's Lawrence Hall of Science: http://www.flickr.com/photos/petermui/sets/72157623734169451/show

- Other photos:



  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. Are you doing any fix-it clinics on zoom? I have an old food processor that I'd like to try and fix.

    1. Absolutely! Check in here: http://bit.ly/fixitcheckin

  3. Hi.

    I serve on the Statewide Commission on Recycling Market Development and Curbside Recycling, and am responsible for drafting recommendations on how to support reuse and repair in California. I was hoping be able to chat with Peter Mui sometime tomorrow if possible?


    Tedd Ward, Director
    Del Norte Solid Waste Management Authority
    707-465-1100 w
    707-954-0953 cell


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